Archaeologists have discovered proof that the Vikings carried their dogs and horses with them when they arrived in Britain on their fabled ships, in addition to boxes of food and supplies.
The Vikings or Norsemen were Scandinavian pirate and merchant tribes. In fact, ‘Viking’ or ‘Norse’ is not the name of a nation, but the name given to Danes, Norwegians, Swedes and other Scandinavians. During the Viking Age, all North Germanic peoples were called by this name. The Vikings were a warrior people who spent most of their lives at sea. Between the 8th and 11th centuries, they conquered much of northwestern Europe (the Normans were the part of the Danish and Norwegian Vikings who settled in Normandy, France and adopted the French language).
By examining the bones discovered in a Viking burial mound, scientists have discovered evidence of horses, dogs, and maybe pigs that originated in Scandinavia. The theory that Viking invaders abducted the animals from local settlements has been refuted by a study of bones discovered in Derbyshire.
According to the news of BBC, the fact that horses and dogs were discovered in the same grave as people has led some experts to speculate that some of the animals may have been more pets than farm animals. In Heath Wood, Derbyshire—the only known Viking graveyard in the UK—archaeologists discovered the remains.
In order to determine where in the globe the bones originally originated from, researchers examined the bones. They were able to connect components in the bones with rocks from the region of the Baltic Shield, where the Vikings originated.

This, according to scientists, is the first proof that animals traveled on the Vikings’ large vessels. It would have been a lengthy voyage; if the weather had been favorable, it is estimated that the trip would have lasted three to six days.
As a result, it was supposed that the Vikings carried out raids on communities and stole livestock since their boats were too tiny to transport both humans and animals. The Vikings were already known for looting rich monasteries, collecting heavy ransoms and spreading fear and terror everywhere.
The latest study, which was released in the journal PLOS ONE, is the first time evidence that the Vikings may have carried animals with them has been found.
The bones that were examined are thought to have ties to the Scandinavian troops known as the Viking Great Army, who invaded Britain in AD 865.
The discovery, according to scientists, will assist demonstrate how significant animals were to the Vikings and will provide them with additional knowledge about the Viking Great Army.