New research has revealed that the massive Gunung Padang pyramid in Indonesia, with its hidden chambers, is the oldest pyramid in the world.
Tag: Ice Age
Pleistocene extinctions in Southern California caused by humans and fires
The Pleistocene extinctions of 13,000 years ago were caused by a warming and drying environment and human caused fires.
Digesta, newly discovered food source of Ice Age people
Research at the University of Michigan has found that Ice Age food theories and models fail to take into account an important source of calories and carbohydrates.
Evidence of giant elephant hunting by Neanderthals
According to analysis of 125,000 year old animal bones, Neanderthals hunted and killed prehistoric giant elephants, obtaining enormous quantities of meat that could sustain hundreds of people.
Early evidence of mammoth slaying in Mexico comes from an Ice Age hunting camp
The oldest concrete proof of conflicts between Ice Age humans and megafauna in the Basin of Mexico can be found in this hunter gatherer hideaway.
DNA of a previously unknown group of people found in Siberia
A hitherto unidentified population that resided in Siberia during the last Ice Age has been revealed via genetic study.
UP archeologists found a human settlement from ice age time in Pilanduk cave in Palawan
A group of archaeologists from UP Diliman (UPD) and the National Museum have discovered new evidence that humans inhabited Pilanduk Cave in Palawan 20,000 to 25,000 years at the height of the last ice age.
Human footprints from the Ice Age discovered in the Utah desert
Ancient human footprints that were initially identified as ghost tracks were left in the present-day Utah desert by an Ice Age human.
Ice Age (Pleistocene Epoch)
The weather on the planet is always changing. The temperature of the globe has fluctuated throughout the last two million years. Between the chilly Ice Age epochs, a sequence of warm times occurred. Around 18,000 BC, the last of the Ice Ages reached its apex.
Genetic Origins of Earth’s First Farmers Confirmed
The earliest farmers came from a combination of two hunter-gatherer populations during a volatile period, not from a single group as one might imagine.