According to a recent research, the replica sword, which was manufactured roughly 3,000 years ago, is real.
Scientists discovered fossil of a flower blooming in amber: a nearly 40 million year old flower. The largest fossilized flower that has ever been found.
The faded battling figures, colorful murals were discovered by archaeologists digging a tomb complex in San Pedro Nexicho. San Pedro Nexicho is located in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, approximately 305 miles southeast of Mexico City.
During the excavation of caverns, an ancient Hebrew coin produced during Jewish uprising against Roman control in Judea was discovered.
The sarcophagus of Ramses II, one of ancient Egypt’s most notable pharaohs, will make its first trip back to Paris in 50 years.
The oldest concrete proof of conflicts between Ice Age humans and megafauna in the Basin of Mexico can be found in this hunter gatherer hideaway.